METS in Argentina

This is the final report for the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Sector Development Project
(APEC 04 2016A) for the economy of Argentina. The report covers the findings of the primary research
undertaken for this project, including a survey with 80 METS companies and interviews with 11 mining
companies in Argentina. The survey was conducted from February – April 2017 both on-line and via the
telephone. The mining company interviews took place in February-March 2017.
The report also brings in some of the secondary research undertaken during the first phase of this project.
This project has been funded by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) through the APEC Mining
Task Force’s Mining Sub-fund. Austmine managed the project and worked closely with Australia’s Department
of Industry, Innovation and Science which was the project overseer and coordinated a project steering
committee made up the economies of Chile, Peru, Papua New Guinee and Canada.
Akrom conducted the interviews in Argentina.